Verifications | Accredited calibrations

If you use your scales in legal metrology, the scales must be calibrated. We will be happy to advise you on this. As a manufacturer, we also carry out initial verification as part of the conformity assessment within the scope of the weighing instrument directive.

We provide the following services so that you can concentrate on your daily business:

  • Adjustment and presentation for verification of all types of scales (precision, industrial, checkweighers, truck scales, bagging scales etc.)
  • Making appointments with the weights and measures office
  • Provision and transport of calibrated weights
  • Our services are also offered at fixed prices

You take care of your business - we take care of the rest.

Accredited Calibration service

Scales control your quality-relevant processes! They are an important test instrument in any quality management system. For this reason, we recommend regular maintenance and accredited calibration of your scales. Our specialist weighing company arranges calibrations in cooperation with the DAkkS-accredited calibration laboratory of KERN & SOHN GmbH. This gives you the certainty of reliable measurement results and maintains your competitiveness and the trust of your customers.

Your added value

  • comprehensive advice and calibration on site by specially trained service staff
  • Calibration with meaningful, internationally recognised calibration certificates

Jan Haferland
Strategic product & business
development manager

Phone: +49 5401 4977 34
Mobile: +49 179 2933562

Your direct contact