Metal detector

The Basic version of our metal detectors is a solution that provides you with reliability in the area of contaminant detection. They fulfil requirements according to IFS, BRC and support you in the implementation of your HACCP concept.

Structure and functionality are designed for standard applications. This makes the Basic metal detectors attractive under economic points of view as well. Our modular approach is also anchored in this variant.

Two possible search coils, which are selected depending on the products to be tested, allow you to choose the best possible solution for your requirements. In this way, metallic contaminants of any kind can be detected in the best possible way, even in products with high intrinsic conductivities that are difficult to test. The basic functionality can be flexibly extended by various options including discharge units, monitoring sensors or signal generators.

Operation is via a 5" TFT touch screen or an LCD graphic display with function keys. The software is designed to achieve results with as few settings as possible. This makes it easy for the operating personnel to get started and supports you in increasing your productivity.

The possible protection classes of IP54 and IP65 allow use in dry areas as well as in hygiene-relevant wet areas.

Your contact person

Sascha Wolff
Technical Product & Business
Development Manager

Phone: +49 5401 4977 41
Mobile: +49 160 90593515

Your direct contact
Metal detector

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